Revenge of The Water Bottle: another review of Monster Cross
There are people that always find an excuse for their performance at any type of competitive event, unless they win...whether I was to fault the Zipp bottle cages, or the Camelbak bottles, this was sabotage. And I was fucked. No water, no racing, just surviving.
US CX Nats, or, a weekend in the life of decidely amatuer and not altogether very fast cyclocross racers
I try not to tell myself this when I'm racing, because it's the most demoralizing thing you can think when you are seeing double from exertion, but cyclocross is a pretty dumb sport. Don't get me wrong, I have fun every time I'm between the tape, but it's still pretty dumb, for reasons that, if you know what the sport is, are as subtle as a hand grenade. CX Nats did not disappoint.

Cycleboredowm does the Powers CX camp
I'm really excited about this latest project from Cycleboredom, the CXOff, and I'm excited to see him out at more races! First up in the series is his recap of the Jeremy Powers CX camp earlier this month. It looks like it was a super-informative blast, and I'm bummed I missed it, but I still got to have fun.

International Women's Day Alleycat: 3/8
International Women's Day is upon us: register for the alleycat here!

Bikes vs Cars DC Premier Screening
Traffic is frustrating, people. While I, and many others, have thoughts on framing this as a bikes vs cars issue, traffic is pretty awful, especially here. This looks like it will be an interesting flick. The premier screening is Tuesday, March 17, 7:00 p.m. Get your tickets from the Environmental Film Festival here!