About our kits: Eskape the Tyranny

We've been getting a few questions, so we wanted to give a little bit of background about the kits: their design, manufacture, and magical powers.
The Design
Inspired by the classic movie poster for the Great Escape. The front of course bears our logo, and the back of the jersey has rays of light coming from a search tower over barbed wire. Have you just made your escape? Or is is a lighthouse, beckoning you to enter past the barbed wire to a land of forbidden trails? Or both?
What is ТИРАНИЯ? Tyranny Portage Rationale: custom bags handmade right here in DC. Jake's rationale meshes with our philosophy and we are proud to rock his gear. This kit marks our first collaboration: Eskape the Tyranny.
The Manufacture
Made in the USA with high-quality fabrics. Seriously, the quality is awesome. I am hard on my gear, and this stuff has stood the test of time, and a good numbers of falls in the dirt.
The only problem I have ever had with Castelli gear is that I'm too fat for the sizes I wish I could wear. It is unapologetically race-cut, but if you like a looser club cut you can order a size up.
Magical Powers
No guarantees, but you never know!
So...get your order on now and Eskape the Tyranny!