Your tax dollars at work: recreational bikers ruin everything

Your tax dollars at work: recreational bikers ruin everything

It was pretty soupy yesterday, but right before the rain hit I snuck in a cheeky little ride.

There's gravel everywhere if you look!

There's gravel everywhere if you look!

However, when I reached my favorite nearby 1track, I was super disappointed to learn that historical preservation was going on! Look, I get that preserving stuff is important, but come on: can't we find a way to combine history and pump tracks?

Recreational bikers. Just the worst.

Recreational bikers. Just the worst.

So anyhow, the search for fun places to ride off road in DC continues. At least a few of the "social" trails are still usable.



If you ever want to mix it up, just ride your local trails backwards. The trails, that is. Not your bike. Or your bike, if you can.

If you ever want to mix it up, just ride your local trails backwards. The trails, that is. Not your bike. Or your bike, if you can.