Thomas the Tank Engine Trolley Trestle Tiny Tour

Republished from, words by Tony, pictures by Francis. This was written in August 2014, so some of the references--like the coming Macho King--are out of date (we now know how rad the Macho King is).
The P Street Trolley Tracks was where we started our first #adventuretimes ride. As avid cobble goblers (#steelisreal) we decided the P street trolley tracks were the place to start. In Georgetown there are the remnants of the Cabin John trolley system, or the original H Street Streetcar. The Georgetown trolley tracks we're installed in the 1890's, and only retired from service in 1960. Pretty sweet little bit of history to start our Friday adventure!
Steep cobbles ahoy! My All City Macho Man disc had no problems with the steep cobbles, Kevin, seen here getting low and pro, had to be careful with his cantis though (can't stop, won't stop). Disaster was averted, we impressed a couple tourists and headed to our destination, a retired trolly trestle.
Here's the trestle! Look how fast I'm going, I'm blurry! We had been talking about visiting this trestle for a while and I'm stoked we finally visited it. Being from the San Francisco, Yay Area I have a soft spot for anything trolley related, and being a male raised on Thomas the Tank Engine anything train-ey makes me happy, so this pushed all sorts of buttons.
Not content merely gawking at the trestle we wanted to scramble to the top, portaging our bikes--hey, cross is coming! The ascent was a little sketchy, boards+nails, rusty rebar (I'm convinced rusty rebar will kill me someday) and a lot of random detritus.
The ride to the trestle was shorter than anticipated so we decided to zip down to the towpath and log a few extra miles, you know, for the Strava (In all seriousness, if you want to peep the route click here).
Kevin and I were pretty smiley because, a) we were riding for work b) the towpath just does that to you, everytime I think I'm getting bored of the C&O I'll ride it with friends and have a blast, and c) we're riding our All-Citys, so we're hella #partybrand.
The ultimate goal was to get rad before showing up to the shop for our shifts. Obviously that happened, as you can see from this photo of Kevin, catching some sick air, towpath style. Just look at Kevin's face. Much concentration. Many stoke. So air.
This C&O jump is way better, one can totally sense it. I made sure my elbows were out--for ultimate braap-age. Seriously, I love the All City Macho Man, it's such a blast to ride, I'm definitely looking forward to purchasing a Macho King when they are available. Until next time, #bikeDC, go have your own adventure times!